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Brutally clever thing here...

Jun 23, 2016

When Worlds Collide - Listen for the Edits - Selma Blair - Anti Gay Jehovah Witness Video - Anthony Kiedis - Michael Jackson Horrible Evidence Found - Fruit at the Bottom Yogurt - Keebler and Kanye West?

Jun 16, 2016

Swimming Habits - Orlando Shootings - Send them to Ass-Rape Island - God and Housework - God Talk - E3 Microsoft, Sony, Hideo Kojima is Weird, Neo and Scorpio - Brock Turner/Aaron Persky - 10 Cloverfield Lane, John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead (MEW) - Flag Day - Burger King Cheeseburger Burrito - Horace and Pete -...

Jun 8, 2016

Who's Here to do the Show? -  UCLA Gun Control - Some Cosmic Shit - When Your Boy Calls 911 on You - Bollywood Music Used for Torture - Fox Completely Pusses out - The XMen Poster - Spirituality, Religon and Prayer - The Medical Business - Bernie, Hillary & Trump

Jun 2, 2016

Goonie Goo Goo -  Kanye, Megan and Psychics - Chewbacca Mom Revisted - Marc Maron - Need More Bars... Everywhere - Religion - The Politics of Tipping -  Harambe the Gorilla - Animal jail - Calling Tim Horton's