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Brutally clever thing here...

Nov 18, 2014

Podcast With a Hot Girl? - Listener Stuff. Kiss. Total Babble Animated - Future Porn Girl. I'm Not Bill Cosby - Dude-Bro/Master of of Salvage - Illegal to Feed the Homeless - Thanksgivings and Show Stuff - I Am Thankful for... - Turkey Tour 2000, A Total Babble Thanksgiving...

Nov 13, 2014

Listener Mail (Iceland and Destiny) - Radio Stories/Old Stew Air Check - Rob Lowe/DirecTV & Shy Pee Controversy - Eaten Alive on Discovery - Super-Hero Battle on Hollywood Blvd. - Foo Fighters; HBO Show Sonic Highways - Gwen Stefani; The Voice - The Greatest Tweets Ever - Videogames: Xbox One, Sunset Overdrive, Forza...

Nov 5, 2014

Listener Mail - Megan Fox Follow Up... Jail? - 911 Pizza Help - Abusive Relationships (Rape...etc) - The Comeback (Lisa Kudrow) - Kiss Kraziness - Prince - Videogames: Sony PSN - I'm an Xbox One Owner Again - Master Chief Collection, Sunset Overdrive - Destiny - Borderlands:...