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Brutally clever thing here...

May 28, 2016

Getting to Kanika Lal - More PB Bites - The Whites of Her Eyes - Make-up Tangent - Kanye West Twitter - Still Looking for a Psychic - Chewbacca Mom - Yin and Yang- You Have to be 26 to Drink in New York - Millennials - Podcasting and Radio - Trump - Disney Bob Igor and Bernie Sanders - Robot Apocalypse - Genius Money...

May 18, 2016

Welcome Jen Murphy - PB Bites - God Damn Nature. To Kill a Mockingbird - The Life of a Stand Up Comedian - Turns Out I Was Recording!  I Swear to God, I'm More Professional Than This - Lucy Sex Dance - Red Hot Chili Peppers Cancel - Man Crotch Adjustment - X - Bathrooms and Gender - The New "I...