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Brutally clever thing here...

May 29, 2020

Catching Up - Can We Actually Do A Show!!? Spectrum is THE Worst!!! - There has been an update on Brian May - The Lake Party from the Ozarks - Trump Has Now Decided That All Churches Should be Re-opened - Virtual High School Graduation Gone Wrong - Who's Ready For A Race Riot (Amy Cooper/George Floyd/Stew)? -...

May 22, 2020

Catching Up - Marc Maron/WTF and Lynn Shelton - The Week in Trump. - Kellogg's Redesigns Fruit Loops Mascot Toucan Sam - The Jesus Bee Dance - What's Wrong With Santee? - What's On My Butt Game - Quick Stuff

May 15, 2020

Jerry Stiller/Little Richard and Weenie - Chipotle and Carnival Cruises are coming Back? - Cruuuuise In Spaaaace! - Guy Raps Dr Suess - Brian May's Ass - Grocery Shopping With The KKK - Ballsy People of the Internet - Eat Your Favorite Celebrity!

May 8, 2020

Catching Up - Tiger King Scripted Series - Madonna's Weird Covid Video -  Monkey Riding A Bike Tries Kidnapping A Little Girl - Using Dogs to Detect Corona Virus - You Gotta Know Your Tupac's -Music: Beach Boys: Mike Love - Murder Hornets - Maybe Covid 19 Is The Earth'sPenicillin 

May 1, 2020

Catching Up: Facebook Ban, Brad Pitt on SNL, Mr. Rogers update - People Are Still Going to the Beach - Injecting Disinfectant - GMA: Pants Free - Virtual Concerts the Wave of the Future? - Land O' Lakes Butter Redesign - Stew memes… etc.