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Brutally clever thing here...

Feb 20, 2016

No Kanye Talk Valentine's Day - Stew Trip To The Apple Store: Jesus Freaks & A Crazy Woman - Apple vs The FBI - Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump - Ass RP (Porter Ranch, Flint, Martin Shkreli... etc.) - Gene Simmons = Trump - Valentines for Screw-Ups - Valerie Castro, I Choo Choo Choose You!

Feb 11, 2016

God Damn Millennials - Be in the Moment of the Thing - Sanders & Trump? - Amazon Done!!! - Cosby Still Lives - Eddie Griffin. I think He's A Douche - Kanye West - Superbowl - The Creepiest Thing Your Child Ever Said - Mc'scuse Me, Bitch? (McDonalds) - Twitter: How to be single Movie - Fred Schneider Should be in All...

Feb 4, 2016

Annette Christie is back - Stewbacca or RStew DStew - Jimmy Bain (Dio/Rainbow RIP) - Stew Doesn't Have Zika - Iowa Caucus (Cauceye) - Trump/Palin Ticket!! - Ted Cruz Looks Like Child Molestor - The Lenny Kravitz Controversy Continues - Amazon: Evil Empire. Shop - What if Your Loved One Thought They Was A Cat?...