Nov 30, 2016
These Are Like My Children - Stew on the Road: Poutine Delivery - Relatives and Thanksgiving - A Tattooed Duck for the Needy - Black Friday for Jesus - Trump - Kanye & Corey Feldman - Las Vegas Taco Bell Cantina - Weed Smokers - Black Mirror, Season 3 Episode 1 - Westworld, Evan Rachel Wood, Could You Follow Manson -...
Nov 22, 2016
The tapes Stew could find of his dumb radio turkey stunt. He used to talk way too fast and this is pretty stupid. Just don't expect a lot. Happy Thanksgiving!!
Nov 18, 2016
Trump and Hillary - Burning the American Flag - Kim and Kanye - Westworld and The Fall - Adobe Photo Shop for Audio - Iliza, Confirmed Kills - Wolf Underwear - Feed the Needy Catalog - Facebook - Benedict Cumberbatch - Carrie Fisher/Harrison Ford - Corey Feldman - Let's Not Talk About This - What is the Worst Bodily...
Nov 10, 2016
The 2016 Election. Trump. Hillary - Fantasy Sports - Bon Jovi and Gaga - Snake on a Plane - Voting Controversy - Weed - Supermensch the Legend of Shep Gordon - The Fry's Pillow Return - Charity Work- Dio Stories Again! - Jen Working With Iliza Schlesinger - The Tau of Bill Murray - Day Old Food App
Nov 2, 2016
Not Frankenstein and Not A Tomato - Pumpkin Hunting for Halloween - Canadians and Poutine!!!!! - Snap Peas - Leave Hillary (Duff) Alone - Sports Talk!! - Jen Murphy, Good Play date - Female Molesters - Cluster-fuck... I mean Election 2016 - Fun With Siri - Titanfall 2 - World Series. Eddie Vedder. W Flag. Hockey Circles...