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Brutally clever thing here...

Dec 26, 2016

Carrie Fisher/George Michael - F*ck You 2016 - Umbilical Hernia Surgery - Black Santa - The Santa Myth and Shelf Elf - Star Wars: Rogue One - Jen Murphy

Dec 15, 2016

Alan Thicke - Trump and Kanye - Jagger Mick Jagger, Father... Again - Stew Getting Opened Up - If I Die Before I Wake - Holiday Specials - NKOTB - Susan Olsen (Cindy Brady) Fired -  Knee Check - NASA Space Poop Challenge (Ass-Roomba) - Fast and Furious 8 & Star Wars: Rogue One - See You Next Year!!!

Dec 7, 2016

Breathing Fabreze - Pet Talk - Kanye and Corey Feldman - Comedy and Chapelle - Stew: Both Brained - Andy Kaufman - More Flag Burning - Bill Hicks - Jen Hates United Airlines - Stew Hates Spectrum Internet - The Police, Roxanne... Fast - Trader Joe's Lessons, Censorship & Sexism - Fiona Apple - Surgery - Sex Robots...

Nov 30, 2016

These Are Like My Children - Stew on the Road: Poutine Delivery - Relatives and Thanksgiving - A Tattooed Duck for the Needy - Black Friday for Jesus - Trump - Kanye & Corey Feldman - Las Vegas Taco Bell Cantina - Weed Smokers - Black Mirror, Season 3 Episode 1 - Westworld, Evan Rachel Wood, Could You Follow Manson -...

Nov 22, 2016

The tapes Stew could find of his dumb radio turkey stunt. He used to talk way too fast and this is pretty stupid. Just don't expect a lot. Happy Thanksgiving!!